There are 6 steps all together and each of the 6 steps has about 7 steps within them. I will just summarize steps 1 - 4.
Steps 1 and 2 are like foundation steps. You are told to create a business entity as a corporation or LLC. You have to get a business address other than your home address,(no PO boxes) a dedicated phone line, 411 listing, fax, 800 number, business web address, business bank account and EIN(employer identification number) and a business plan. It sounds like a lot, but this is what makes your business a BUSINESS.
Steps 3 and 4 are all about introducing you to the 3 business credit companies, what they mean to you and how to get vendors reporting to them. I must say here that, at this point I do like this program alot for the simple fact that you can basically do all this stuff yourself, because they have it all mapped out. Really. There is a list of vendors that will extend you net terms and report your payments to the business credit agencies. The business credit agencies are Experian, Equifax and Dun and Bradstreet incase you were wondering. The vendors are a bit pricey, and in my case they don't really offer a service I'm in need of, but I chose a few to deal with to get my credit rolling.
I only made it to step 4 so far, which isn't bad, considering I only spoke to my coach once. Before I can move forward, I have to get atleast 5 trade lines and 2 reporting my payments to the angencies. This is another thing I like about the program. They only let you move forward after completing the required steps. It makes sure that you don't screw yourself up trying to move too fast. Remember this is just a summary, there is alot more to it than I mentioned above. I just happened to already have alot of the requirements in place prior to starting the program.
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